In 1967 Jocellyn Bell accidentally stumbled on a gravity time warp a million times greater than that produced by the sun. The object she detected was emitting regular pulses. These pulses were reminiscent of heart-beats. At the time, such a pulsating object was not known to exist in space. At first, it was concluded that these signals might well have been propagated by intelligent beings, inhabitants of other planets.
LGM (Little Green Men):
The stereotypical interpretation of extraterrestrial as little humanoid – like creatures with green skin and antennae on their head.
Extraterrestrial Life is life originating outside of the earth. This is the subject of astrobiology and its existence remains hypothetical. This hypothesis According to Martin Rees,
the hypothesis that pulsars were beacons from extraterrestrial civilizations was never taken very seriously. Invitation cards were printed, the media were notified and a seminar was arranged. LGM (Little Green Men) signified that intelligent creatures had been detected and were contacted by radio signals. Not long after, the source of the signals in question was discovered: it was a spinning neutron star, an object whose velocity was incommensurably great. The neutron star had another name: “pulsar.” Bell’s discovery failed to establish contact with the inhabitants of space, but she had found pulsars. The words “pulsar” and “pulsating” seem to accord with the word Tariq of the Quran, which means “knocker.”